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Services | Vulchex


Our Process

You, the customer, simply needs to reach out to VulcheX and requests a free vulnerability assessment!
VulcheX will then engage in activities using software solutions and individuals (“Black Box” and “Gray Box”) to attempt to access your protected website data. VulcheX will review several aspects of your website security and rate each on the spectrum of red, yellow, or green. “Red” will indicate that we were able to access your data fairly easily while “Green” indicates that we were unable to access your website data.

The Aspects We Will Review Include:

  • WordPress – VulcheX will scan for over 1,200 known vulnerabilities in WordPress’ core, themes and plugins
  • Web App – We will attempt to detect any of the more than 4,500+ web application vulnerabilities we have identified with our VulcheX database
  • Open-Source – VulchecXers search for flaws in any open-source software and/or custom-built applications
  • Critical Updates – VulcheX analysts will look for missing critical updates
  • DeepScan Technology – VulcheX will crawl all websites including Single Page Applications (SPAs) developed using HTML5, JavaScript and RESTful APIs.
  • Script testing – Vulchex uses the industry’s most advanced SQLi and Cross-site Scripting testing – includes advanced detection of DOM-based XSS
  • Password Protection – We will scans complex password protected areas and attempt to bypass

Our steps for a successful threat removal

Interrogate – We apply our VulcheX black box and human vulnerability testing to your website.

Analysis – VulcheX testing results are generated.

Score – website vulnerability testing results are reported as a Red, Yellow, Green heat chart.

Recommendation – Our VulcheX report will identify gaps in your website security and provide recommendations on how to resolve these issues.

Repair – VulcheX completes the repairs identified solely by the tests performed by VulcheX.